To realise your dreams and aspirations you usually need finance and one way to achieve this finance is by saving as part of your financial plan. So whether you want to start an education fund, buy a new car or simply make sure you are getting the best possible rate on your existing savings – Talk to us at Donnellan & Co. today.
As your Financial Advisor we will first assess your savings goal and project the level of savings you need to achieve. We will then recommend a savings plan and the most appropriate product to meet your Savings need. As Independent Financial Advisors we deal with all the major product providers and can advise on their various savings options.
Many people today are starting a family later in life. So unless you want to be still trying to finance your children’s education when you should be looking forward to retirement, it makes sense to start a savings plan today.
Although you may not have to pay hefty third level fees today nobody knows what changes future Governments may make. Apart from third level fees the cost of going to college is very significant. For one student living away from home, costs of at least €800 per month are not unrealistic. Not including registration fees this amounts to approx. €28,800 over a four year period.
If you can afford to put the Child Benefit of €150 per month over 18 years into a savings account, invested to achieve a modest growth of 3%, the resultant investment fund would be €42,891. The same savings amount of €150 per month again over an 18 year period assuming no growth would amount to €32,400.
At Donnellan & Co. we are here to help you make the right investment choice in line with your life stage, goals and objectives. As Independent Financial Advisors we offer unbiased advice and take the hard work out of reading the fine print and understanding what seem like a myriad of charges, terms and conditions. We work with all major investment product providers.
There is no doubt that the world of investment products is complex. Also many people have had a bad experience of investments in recent times. However investments are vital to preserve and grow the value of your accumulated capital. If you have a lump sum and it is in a deposit account not earning any deposit interest, or earning very little its real value will decrease overtime due to inflation.
The first step we take is to understand your investment objectives. Together we can then establish your attitude to risk, the desired term of your investment, your desired level of access to funds, other investments if any and your overall financial position. With this information and our knowledge of the investment market place, we develop an Investment strategy that matches your investment objectives. This is usually done as part of the overall financial planning process, but this service can be provided for once off investors with lump sums also.
Advanced Financial Planning Limited t/a Donnellan & Co is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.